To my two faithful followers, I am truly sorry. It has been far too long since I last had a rant on these pages, but that is hopefully all about to change. I have recently found a little more time in my life to indulge in the frivolities of the virtual world. My postgraduate course is coming to a close and I am currently engaged in the inevitable yet unenviable task of finding a job for myself come September. Hence, I am spending a lot more time online and can wax lyrical about the limited joys and plentiful woes of filling in application forms and drafting cover letters.
It may seem like this has little to do with sustainability, but this is far from the truth. Look on me as your scout into the world of employment in the sustainability sector. Through my efforts you will get a valuable insight into who might and who might not be recruiting, what kind of jobs are coming up more than others, and what kind of feedback potential employers are offering. I'll also put up some good websites for would be job seekers on the right hand side. Stay tuned.
Institutional Sexism
State-sponsored rape, lies and deception – then a cover-up operating right
across official life. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 28th
3 months ago
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